Thursday, 16 April 2009

Donnie Darko - They made me watch it

It's as good as they say it is. Watch It! It will mean different things to different people. Is it about fate?? Is it about choices? Is it a film about time travel and the paradoxical events that are created? Am I just spouting trash and trying to be clever? Look, listen and learn.


Rob said...

Love this. I need to watch this again. Two points:-

1/ I read once the the director sees this as a Superhero movie.

2/ The endind, with the Tears for Fears cover is fantastic. It feels cheapened now that the song is a christmas UK number one. (Damn, when cultdom goes mainstream. Damn)

this is not a joke said...

Have you seen the director's cut version. Oh my, it is SO much better than the original!!!

Also, I am glad to see you are watching both Mad Men AND the Tudors!!

sickboy said...

It was the directors cut I watched last. A lot of people think that it makes it more obvious, but I didn't think so.

Have seen the first few episodes of Mad Men, Blindingly fantastical TV. I have watched 1 episode of Tudors so far - No Rome for sure, but looks like it could get good.

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Heh heh...Frank the Bunny.

He'd scare the crap out of my friend Anyanka.

"It must be bunnies!"