Something has been bothering me about Lost. It's not the series as it's one of the best TV shows ever (not as good as BSG). It's not the ending as I thought it was a fantastic ending to a TV Show. So many shows don't end. So many shows drag themselves on for far too long and when they finally do end they don't tell you anything (X Files). It's not even the hundreds of poor SKY One Lost exclusive shows which are some of the poorest efforts of TV ever. Iain Lee, what happened??......
Nope, It's the CGI in the last season. Some of the worse I've seen in a TV show. Where did the budget go. Anything in the water was like someone had just switched over to a cartoon. It would give Primeval a run for its money in the 'you know it's not real so we're not even going to try' stakes. Bizarre....