I first saw this back in the 90s. 1991 I guess, as to my knowledge it has never been repeated since (Damn Royalties). It's comedy that only Richard Curtis can write (smaulchy, but overall, rewarding) and possibly Lenny Henrys last great performance (Harsh). I used to watch my VHS copy every Xmas but that disappeared after about 5 years. Then followed a quest for either a DVD or a reshowing. Two things that didn't materialise for over 10 years. Still the second most expensive DVD I ever bought, and when received, just like watching my taped off the TV VHS, all wear and tear in place :-/
Still I digress. Simply put, if you can locate a copy, or better still, badger the BBC to show it again, then sit down with the family and have a watch. Brilliant!!!!
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