Sunday, 1 February 2009

Gran Torino - No Job, No Car, No Girlfriend, No Future, No Dick...

Well, I had to see this one because of the glowing recommendation. This is not a joke:). It really is that good. Clint plays (he also directs superbly) an old racist, but I thought more of a bigot, although neither one with any real hatred so get over it people. I should go on a lefty, smile on your brother, Hippie BS, never gonna happen rant now, but that's not for this blog. Any Ho, this is great. Funny, Tense, real, it reminded me a bit of Red although there was more humour in this. Tinterweb buzz kinda thought this was a new Dirty Harry film. Maybe it could be and it adds even more humour if you want to think that. Watch and learn everything. Even the fact that Clint Eastwood must have supplied the voice for Oscar the Grouch. Check out that song at the end.


this is not a joke said...

I'm so glad you liked this, I keep being afraid that maybe I was just crazy in liking it so much.

I'm gonna go see it again just to make sure :)

Pete Tiley / Bike rider. said...

I thought this were a video game. Fnar fnar....