Sunday, 15 February 2009

Halloween - How to make a Monster (that really should have been the tagline)

This will be biased as I never dis RZ and was never a huge fanboy obsessive of the original. I do like John Carpenters Halloween though. But this version, reimagining or whatever is superb (take note Jason). Creates a bit of back story and then kind of re tells/shoots the second half from the original but concentrates on Michael more. it is brilliantly handled by Zombie and has his style all over it. More blood. more TCM camera, more dirt and more nakedness :). The man has his critics and If you haven't liked his other movies then it is unlikely you'd like this. But he knows what he likes and he does it like The Great American Nightmare he is.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'm a huge fan of the original. It's a stripped down, primal exercise in delivering atmosphere and tension. The final act is some of the best cinema ever.

RZ's Halloween is a movie of 2 halves. The second half, a retread of the first movie, doesn't stand up so well against the original. It has too much of the teenagers in it, which Mr Z is not nearly as interested in as the fruitloop, Mr Myers.

But the fist half, is pure Zombie Genius. The distinctive shooting style, cool tunes, and the psychological examination of atwisted sick murderer is what Mr Z does best (just see masterpiece Devils Rejects for more proof).

I think the upcoming sequel is where we'll see Mr Z shine again, as he (hopefully) charts the metal breakdown of Michaels little sister.