So I finally get to watch the film Kevin Smith has been banging on about in his pod casts by his mate, Malcolm The Bear. Now this is a doc about the oppression and ignorance towards gay people in Mississippi and the Bible Belt of America. It's standard doc format with typical drivebys and slow dumb looks to the camera. A couple shocking stories and an appearance from Fred Phelps of 'Godhatesfags' Church or whatever he calls it. But no surprises. This probably happens everywhere and shit bars deserve to be shut down whether they are gay or straight. Now maybe they filmed everyone on a bad day, but I think the biggest shock you'd get from 'coming out' in the south is that the Bars are shit and Slim Pickens wasn't just an actor from Blazing Saddles. And I have to just say, that no matter how very vile and evil the Rev. Phelps is, without him we would never have had the phrase 'Fag Enabler'. Whatever your opinions, persuasions or feelings, that is bloody funny.
This one is near the top of my netflix queue, I am sort of intrigued to see it...
Yep, it's worth a look, it just wasn't revealing or captivating
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